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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Birthday Wishes

Who didn't love Michael?

Guess who's birthday is coming up?

Unlike some people, I'm looking at you Ms/Mr. 100 x 100's, I don't like doing those crazy birthday workouts. In fact for a long time, I just ran my birthday in minutes. Since I started with Liz, I don't even put my birthday in my TP log. It's a day for me.

With adult kids, I've struggled to figure out how to celebrate my birthday. They're on budgets, and I hate for them to buy me presents. To make matters worse, being on this nutritional plan, I don't have any desire to have cake or any type of dessert. We used to go out to this big birthday dinner. It was a blast.

On 10/25, I'm running a 5k. I had this idea to wake up my two college students to run with me. I sent a text to the family. Immediately, I heard from Googs. I told him that I'll wait to hear from JMan and Mr. Tea.

To which he replied......

Then, Mr. Tea finally piped in that instead of running, he'll make us breakfast.....
And no....Mr. Tea does NOT have a blood clot.

Just wait until JMAN finds out that he's running a 5k on the 25th.

This is going to be the best birthday ever.